Neck, Décolleté, and Hands

Neck, Décolleté, and Hands in Salt Lake City, UT

At RO Aesthetics, we’re proud to offer comprehensive rejuvenation treatments for the neck, décolleté, and hands. These areas are often the first to show signs of aging, as they are frequently exposed to environmental factors and have delicate skin. Our unique combination of bio-stimulating injectable treatments, such as Radiesse and Bellafill, Silhouette Instalift Threads, and dermal fillers like Juvéderm or Restylane, provide a multi-faceted approach to address these concerns. This innovative treatment strategy allows us to restore volume to depleted areas, stimulate collagen production for long-lasting effects, and tighten and contour lax skin, resulting in a more youthful and revitalized appearance.
Benefits of Neck, Décolleté, and Hands Treatments at RO Aesthetics
Our treatments offer a non-surgical, minimally invasive approach to skin rejuvenation. By combining different modalities, we can address a range of concerns, from volume loss and skin laxity to fine lines and wrinkles
The benefits of our treatments include:
Benefits of Neck, Décolleté, and Hands Treatments at RO Aesthetics
Our treatments offer a non-surgical, minimally invasive approach to skin rejuvenation. By combining different modalities, we can address a range of concerns, from volume loss and skin laxity to fine lines and wrinkles
The benefits of our treatments include:

What to Expect During a Treatment at RO Aesthetics

When you choose RO Aesthetics for your neck, décolleté, and hands treatment, you can expect a comfortable and professional experience. Our expert injectors will begin by discussing your aesthetic goals and examining your skin. The treatment involves small injections and the insertion of threads, which most clients describe as feeling like a quick pinch. This process usually takes less than an hour, making it a convenient treatment option for people with busy schedules.

Anticipating the Results of Your Treatment

Following your treatment at RO Aesthetics, effects will appear immediately, with noticeable improvement taking place over several weeks as increased collagen works beneath the skin to restore these areas. The results typically last several months to a few years, depending on the specific treatments used. Our team will recommend the frequency of maintenance appointments based on your individual response to treatment and personal aesthetic goals.

Take the Next Step with RO Aesthetics in Salt Lake City, UT

Ready to experience the rejuvenating benefits of our neck, décolleté, and hands treatments in Salt Lake City, UT? Book your appointment online today at RO Aesthetics. Our skilled practitioners are passionate about helping you reach your aesthetic goals.


Bio-stimulating injectable treatments, such as Radiesse and Bellafill, stimulate your body’s natural collagen production. This helps to restore volume and improve skin quality over time, providing long-lasting results.
Silhouette Instalift Threads physically lift the skin and stimulate collagen production. The threads are inserted under the skin and then gently pulled to lift and tighten areas of laxity.
Dermal fillers, like Juvéderm or Restylane, are injectable treatments that add volume to the skin. They are often used to fill in wrinkles and fine lines, restore volume to areas of depletion, and enhance facial contours.
Yes, when administered by a licensed and trained professional, these treatments are considered safe. As with any aesthetic procedure, there are potential risks and side effects, but these are generally minimal and temporary.
The results of these treatments can last several months to a few years, depending on the specific treatments used. Regular maintenance treatments can help prolong the results.
Absolutely. Our treatments can be tailored to address your specific concerns and aesthetic goals. During your consultation, your provider will discuss your goals and recommend a combination of treatments that can provide the most comprehensive results.

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