
Kybella in Salt Lake City, UT

At RO Aesthetics, we’re proud to offer Kybella treatments, an innovative, non-surgical solution specifically designed to combat submental fullness, commonly known as a “double chin,” and other areas of unwanted fat. Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that facilitates the disintegration and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into targeted fat cells, Kybella works to destroy these cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness. Once destroyed, these cells are unable to store or accumulate fat, providing a permanent solution to stubborn fat deposits. This groundbreaking treatment aligns with our commitment at RO Aesthetics to help our clients achieve a more contoured, youthful look using the latest advancements in aesthetic medicine. To get started on your journey to a more defined profile, book your appointment online today at RO Aesthetics.
The Benefits of Kybella
Kybella offers a non-surgical approach to fat reduction. It uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the disintegration and absorption of dietary fat. When Kybella is injected into the area of concern, it eliminates fat cells, which results in a visible decrease in mass. The destroyed cells are unable to store or accumulate fat, so additional treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.
Benefits of Kybella Treatments:
The Benefits of Kybella
Kybella offers a non-surgical approach to fat reduction. It uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the disintegration and absorption of dietary fat. When Kybella is injected into the area of concern, it eliminates fat cells, which results in a visible decrease in mass. The destroyed cells are unable to store or accumulate fat, so additional treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.
Benefits of Kybella Treatments:

What to Expect During a Kybella Treatment at RO Aesthetics

When you come to RO Aesthetics for a Kybella treatment, you can expect a comfortable and professional experience. Our expert injectors will begin by discussing your aesthetic goals and examining the treatment area. The treatment involves small injections under the skin, usually taking less than 30 minutes.
Commonly Treated Areas with Kybella

Anticipating the Results of Kybella Treatment

Following your Kybella treatment, you can expect results within 4-6 weeks as the body naturally processes and eliminates the destroyed fat cells. These results are permanent, as the destroyed fat cells cannot store or accumulate fat. Our team at RO Aesthetics will provide you with personalized aftercare instructions to help maximize your results.

Take the Next Step

Ready to experience the contouring benefits of Kybella in Salt Lake City, UT? Book your appointment online today at RO Aesthetics. Let us help you achieve the defined, sculpted look you desire.

Our Menu at RO Aesthetics

Dissolve Jowls


Dissolve Under Eye Fat Pad


Dissolve Chin Mini


Dissolve Chin Full


Dissolve Knee Fat


Dissolve Elbow Fat


Dissolve Bra Fat



Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the targeted area. It uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the disintegration and absorption of dietary fat. When Kybella is injected into the area of concern, it eliminates fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness.
Yes, Kybella is considered safe when administered by a trained professional. As with any medical aesthetics procedure, there are potential risks and side effects, which are generally minimal and temporary.
Yes, Kybella is conIn the week leading up to your treatment, avoid medications that can thin the blood, including aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can elevate the risk of bruising. Also, avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours before your appointment. On the day of your treatment, come with a clean, makeup-free face.sidered safe when administered by a trained professional. As with any medical aesthetics procedure, there are potential risks and side effects, which are generally minimal and temporary.
After your Kybella treatment, avoid strenuous exercise and alcohol for at least 24 hours after treatment. Our team will provide aftercare instructions to aid in your recovery at the time of your appointment.
Generally, you can expect to notice results within 4-6 weeks after your treatment, but the full effect can take up to several months to become visible.
The effects of Kybella treatments are permanent. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they are no longer able to store fat, so additional treatment is unnecessary once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.

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